Follow instructions below to try Sieve on your own videos. If instead you just want to browse sample data using the Sieve visual dashboard, click here.


  1. Fill out this form
  2. Within 10 minutes, you’ll receive an email from us.

<aside> 💌 We’ll personally email you an API key. Feel free to reply to the email with any questions, we promise to be quick with our replies.



Your API key is limited functionality to give a chance for the HN community to try it out. Expires in 5 days, 5 videos max, 1 GB each, with a pre-determined list of metadata. Sieve typically offers other ways of searching, including visual similarity, a broader list of metadata, and granular motion profiles. These are simply not available for the HN free demo version.

Available Metadata for HN

Getting Started in 5 minutes

1. Push a video to Sieve

There are two options for pushing videos to Sieve API: Local and Hosted. Local is if you have a video saved locally and would like to push it from storage directly to Sieve. Hosted is if you already have videos stored in the cloud, and would like to securely share that with Sieve.

Pushing a local video

To push a local video, Sieve hosts the video in a secure storage bucket to then be processed by our platform. If you prefer storing raw data yourself, please host it separately and follow the next section to push the video to Sieve. Follow the snippet below to push video from local storage.

# Repository setup
git clone <>
cd automatic-video-processing
conda create --name myenv python=3.7
conda activate myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run script
python --video_file_path **VIDEO_PATH** --sieve_api_key **API_KEY**

Pushing a hosted video

The best way to send videos securely to Sieve is to send a signed url to a video you have stored in the cloud, most likely in some sort of bucket (GCS, Azure Storage, AWS). If the video is public, you can simply use that URL. There are several ways to generate signed URLs.

<aside> ⚠️ In the past, people have tried to submit direct links to YouTube videos. This does not work! You need to give us a link to the hosted ‘MP4’ or separate format video file.
